


Category: Branding, Vector Illustration


atypicalelizabeth is my childhood dream come true, plain and simple. It’s my sanctuary for the art I love to do and a very big glimpse into what goes on in my head. I’ve wanted to be a graphic designer since I was 10 and I love all facets of design (even the practical aspects of it) but creating cute vector art and making products is what makes me so happy.

Below are some of my favorite characters and pin designs over the past few years.

cauldron triplets

3 witch triplets named Scullie, Connie, and Emerie. I vectored them when I was working at an ice cream shop in between design jobs and out of everything, I enjoy updating their looks the most.

Scullie, Connie, and Emerie as pins! This was how they originally looked before I updated their appearance in 2019.


This is a revamped version of my beloved college project of the same name, you can see how it looked before here.

animal girls

“Usa” means deer in Tagalog, she was one of the first pins I created and surprisingly, was the pin I sold the most on my Etsy. I thought she could use some friends, so I created Naga (dragon), Pandora (panda), and Red to be part of her crew.


I honestly thought I was funny for coming up with this name, but I think if you’ve scrolled down here long enough, you must have realized by now that I’m not good at naming things at all.

spooky squad